Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just Kidding

Faithful readers may recall the day I blogged stating I had mistaken our due date to be May 26 and it was in fact May 16. This realization was quickly followed by a major shopping spree to acquire the last few things we needed and some hurried final preparations in the even baby decided to come early. As it turns out, all that was just a lot of hurrying for no good reason.

We had an OB appointment on Thursday in which we discovered I was dilated barely 1 cm, which means I might as well have not been dilated at all. There was some talk of giving the kid a nudge to get the heck out of dodge, but I declined this offer as I was told it was painful and was not likely to work with me. So Patrick and I headed home hoping the kid would decide to work his way out over the weekend anyway. He didn't.

We had another OB appointment today to re-evaluate the situation. I should probably state that there is a slight rush on this process because my doctor does not want Miles to be so big that I have to have a C-section. She is concerned about his weight because of my gestational diabetes even though it has been well controlled without the aid of any medication. Anyway, so we go in this morning to get a stress test and reconsider this whole nudging thing--which I am decidedly NOT excited about as just checking how much I am dilated comes with more pain than I would like.

Stress test goes fine for the most part and then we're moved into an exam room where the doctor blows in stating, "Turns out your original due date was right after all." Silence.

I argued this point with her when she told me about the May 16th date but relented because, well, she's the doctor. So obviously, I still have a week to go with this whole gestation thing, which is fine except that Patrick took this week off thinking if they didn't nudge him on Thursday they definitely would today. To say he was a bit perterbed is probably the understatement of the century. And as much as we're told to just go with the flow of this whole pregnancy thing--sometimes that's easier said than done, especially when you get your mind set on a particular date and there are lots of anxious folks emailing, texting and calling wanting to know if the kid has arrived yet.

Well, he hasn't and likely won't until sometime next week. We hope.


5ftlatina said...

Oh, crap! At this point, we may need to consider the possibility that Miles is waiting for Auntie Kat to finish jury duty first. Boy do I hope that's not the case!

Amberly said...

i hope that's not the case either!