Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I'm sure we all remember the old classic "Jack and the Beanstalk" where Jack's magic beans grew overnight into a beanstalk that reached to the heavens, yes? Well, I believe I have the human version of a beanstalk. When Miles was born he was a healthy 20.5 inches long and a week and a half later he'd grown to an even 22 inches. I can't say how long he is at this moment but I can safely say he has grown. I know this because when I hold him he covers up more of my torso than he did previously. I also know this because when I dress him every morning I look at his size 0-3 months and they look teensy tiny. Some of them sort of fit, but they are pretty tight. I received final confirmation of his extreme and continued growth last night when Patrick tried to dress him in a pair of footsy pajamas we purchased a week and a half ago. They are really cute--white with little orange, yellow and blue elephants on them. He wore them once last week for just a couple hours before he threw up on them and had to be changed. Last night Patrick got his little flailing arms into the arm holes and one little leg into the footsy hole when he turned to me and said, "Are you sure these fit him?" I started to say yes when Patrick got his other little leg into the other footsy hole and we saw that my young son could not stretch his legs out! How does someone grow out of something in a week and a half?!


5ftlatina said...

Ask Robert. His mom bought him jeans one year the week before school started and by the time school started his ankles were showing.

Patrick must be having visions of a future basketball career for the boy :)

Sandy said...

Oh yes. Soph had lots of clothes she wore once or even never wore cause she grew so fast. It's mindboggling! :)

Amberly said...

patrick was dreaming of a basketball career for the boy long before he was born...actually he was dreaming that dream long before we were pregnant!

i was trying to make sure he wore each of his little 0-3 outfits at least once. he's pretty much grown out of them now and i honestly can't say if we reached that goal or not. :)