I know everyone says this but time really has moved quite quickly! This time last year we were patiently awaiting the arrival of our son--and still had a long ways to go! Today, he's 8 months old!! I can't believe how much he's grown and changed over the last 8 months. He's such an amazing kid--I know, I know, everyone says this about their kids. He's developing into a friendly little guy with lots of personality.
Miles has been babbling for quite some time now. Mostly he just repeats "da da da da" or "nai nai nai" or "ma ma ma ma" and just like his daddy, he loves to talk! He doesn't seem to be afraid of anyone. When he encounters new people--or folks he doesn't remember--he just stares and stares until he decides they get a pass. Then he'll flash a big smile. He never cries when other people want to hold him and only experienced mild separation anxiety at this point. He would get up set when I left him but he seems to be getting over that. He loves people and as long as someone is with him, he's happy. This makes taking him to daycare a bit easier because I know he enjoys playing with the other kids.
And just like his momma, Miles has his own way of getting around in the world. He has been using the military crawl to get around the living room and get to the toys and/or people he wants to play with. He'll get himself up on his hands and knees, rock back and forth a couple times and then fall on his tummy and go back to the military crawl. Apparently he isn't interested in conventional crawling methods. He has also started pulling up. Of course, it was a struggle at first but he's taken to it like a champ! He likes to stand on his own power so that he prefers to stand on the outside of his activity center and play with the toys rather than be put into the harness in the center.
Miles spent his first Christmas in Iowa with his Grandmama Jo and his Aunt Alecia. Grandma and Mommy and Daddy spoiled Miles with a new basketball game, a music cube, a musical activity table, new books and some new clothes. He was initially most entertained by the clothing tag on one of his new shirts but has managed to find joy in his other toys as well. :) He wasn't so into the unwrapping--after one present he didn't seem to care to unwrap things anymore so Mommy had to help.
Miles's first Christmas included lots of other new things as well--one foot of snow and freezing cold weather were just the beginning. He also go to meet new friends Lyla and Caleb--new babies born to childhood friends of Mommy's. We had a great time in Iowa and, although we were ready to come back to sunny Arizona, we always hate leaving family in friends! If we haven't seen you in a while, come visit us!
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