Monday, June 22, 2009

First Father's Day

Sunday we celebrated our first Father's Day by sleeping in--sort of--followed by a late lunch at IHOP and a lazy day of watching movies.
After Miles's early morning feeding, Patrick decided to bring him to bed with us so we could get a couple more hours worth of shut-eye. I think we have finally convinced Miles to sleep in his crib but when he's ready to be up, it's time for all of us to be up--unless we lay his head on Mommy's or Daddy's chest. Then he cannot resist falling asleep. :) Thanks to this little trick we did not officially get out of bed until 11! It was glorious!! (And just in case you're wondering, Miles slept fine that evening.)
Miles and I did not get Patrick a present for Father's Day, but I had planned to make pancakes for breakfast. Sleeping in until 11 resulted in all of us waking up hungry and me feeling both rested and too tired to make breakfast so when Patrick said he had a dream about all three of us sitting at IHOP I took it as a hint. Really, it was a much better idea than making breakfast cuz we didn't have any dishes to do.
Patrick and I ended up stopping at our local Redbox location for our movies because we have forced ourselves out of being able to go to Hollywood Video and Blockbuster because we each returned movies late to the different places and do not want to pay the late fees. ;) We rented Defiance and Doubt and enjoyed both despite them being rather heavy.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

That's a great picture! I loooooved the period of time when you could convince the short person to go back to bed for a couple of hours! :) Happy first Dad Day, Patrick! :)