Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 23

I wrote this whole blog out using the name we've chosen but neglected to mention that we found out a few weeks ago that we're having a boy! Yeah, I wanted a girl, but I'm more than okay with a son. This made picking out a name much easier because we had a boy's name since before we got at some point toward the end of May, we will welcome to the world Miles Kenneth Brown! The first name is just one we both liked a lot and the middle name was my dad's first name. Now onto the blog...

As Miles and I enter week 23 we are experiencing all kinds of fun new things--mainly him moving. Patrick was telling me about his day on Monday evening and I guess Miles was listening cuz first there were little kicks and then there was this giant movement that sort of felt like a chubby little arm or leg. It pretty much freaked me out and the look on my face stopped Patrick mid-sentence. He spent the rest of his story telling session with his hand on my tummy hoping for more. Alas, nothing came but I'm sure Patrick will have other chances.

Since Miles and I are together--well, 24-7--I've been trying to get Patrick to read him stories at night. I bought several great books from Amazon and Patrick did read to us two nights in a row! He would like to read to us more but his schedule is wicked right now so Miles and I spend most evenings at home with the kitties, which will probably only exacerbate their jealousy once the baby's here.

On Saturday, our crib and dresser arrived at JC Penney. My Daily Kick email said I should consider ordering the furniture sooner than later because it could take weeks for it to come it. As it turns out, it took less than a week so now the boxes are sitting in the garage. I won't be lifting them, obviously, so Patrick has to figure out which of his lucky friends or his dad will be the Chosen One to help him get them upstairs--at a minimum--and possibly help put them together. He has kindly wrangled his friend/co-worker to assist him this Saturday with putting up the border in the nursery so I suppose that friend will get out of furniture duty. I will say the changing table is coming from a different store and is definitely taking longer.

Let's see...what else...oh! I'm getting bigger. If I'm wearing baggy enough clothes folks who don't know me could possibly think I'm just really fat. But the folks I'm around on a daily basis agree that there's some growing going on. I have every intention of getting some kind of belly photo up sooner than later. Speaking of photos, I'm also searching for a photographer that specializes in baby photos. Our regular folks do not, even though I like them a lot I need to make sure this is done right. I did check out the Kiddie Candids place at our local Babies R Us but they put the littlest babies in such unnatural positions that it makes me uncomfortable. I also don't want to have to take out a loan to pay for the pictures so I'm in a bit of a conundrum and I'm sort of hoping the right one falls out of the sky...

...sort of like the job I'm currently looking for. I need one. I'm about done with my internship hours and my goal is to get in a good three months of employment before I take maternity leave. It's asking a lot of a future employer but hopefully someone will think I'm so beyond perfect for the position that they will work with me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Miles!!! I love it!!!