Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Due Date Countdown

I thought it would be fun to have a little gadget on the blog that countsdown to the ETA of our little peanut. This was harder than I thought it would be as the gadgets were primarily extremely lame and boring. When I found the 3D gadget that is currently taking up space in the upper left-hand corner seemed like a good idea but seems less so the longer it's up. I mean, it's totally fun to see how Peanut is developing but those 3D images are, frankly, kinda freaky. They make Peanut look like an alien. And I won't even go into the fact that the only images they have are of a white fetus--do they think ethnic folks don't want to put fun due date gadgets in their blogs? I suppose I'll just leave the one I've got until I find the motivation and/or time to search for a better one. I also suppose I am doing some sort of public service by leaving it up cuz then the world--or at least those in it that read the blog--will have an understanding of how babies develop in the womb.


Your PR Pal said...

I agree- cute at first, then quickly becomes freaky. your little peanut's spine is kinda freaking me out. And I don't even want to begin to discuss that umbilical cord.

5ftLatina said...

Kind of looks like you're having a platypus rather than a human :P

Amberly said...

totally agree with you. working on a change.