Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Prowling and Playing!

Last Saturday, the Phoenix Zoo was open in the evening for an event they call Prowl & Play.  Most, but not all, of the animals are out, they open their two water areas--in a feeble attempt at keeping cool--and Radio Disney provides music and karoke for the kids.  When I saw this advertised, I knew instantly we needed to make the trip.  Miles loves animals and water so there was no question in my mind that he would have a good time, and we did!

We started with giraffes and then saw a lion, some rhinocerous-es (what's the plural of rhinocerous?), a camel, some otters, and Miles was super excited to see some flamingos and the zebra!
 We ended our evening at the splash pad.  Miles approached the splash pad with some apprehension at first, but was quickly undressing himself in preparation for participation.  I brought his swim trunks, but he wasn't interested.  He slipped off his shoes, took off his shirt and ventured in!  Fortunately, I also brought with a towel and a change of clothes so when he was done playing, we did a quick switcheroo and were on our way!
We also got to participate in a toddler drum circle!  I can't remember which organization had brought the drums, but it was awesome!  They maintained a beat and encouraged the children to try to match the same beat.  Miles just banged on different drums and watched the show, but he seemed to really enjoy it!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Laying It All Out

It's been about 100 years since I last blogged. Okay, maybe not 100 years, but it sure feels like forever! I had such fabulous intentions for blogging--a place to keep memories, a way to keep in touch with those far away, and I genuinely enjoy writing. Writing is cathartic for me. Always has been. I have kept a journal/diary since I was in junior high school. I have volumes upon volumes of notebooks from that time. And I still keep a journal, but I am not the regular writer that I once was. When times get tough for me, though, a return to writing always helps me feel better--it's the same feeling I get after a good cry; it's a release.

So I guess it's the need for release that has brought me back to blogging. Today is August 11. Three years ago, my father passed away with my mother at his side. Although I was in Arizona, I will never forget that day and the following days. I still miss him. And I am often sad that Miles will never get to know him. Yeah, we'll talk about Grandpa to Miles, but pictures and talking just isn't the same as having the person live in the flesh. Plus, anyone who knew my dad knows he was a total jokster. His favorite hobbies included fishing, golfing, and picking on the nearest little kid. It gave him great joy! No matter what we do, we cannot replace that for Miles.

I'm sure heaven is a great place, but I refuse to believe that he would rather be in heaven than down here on earth getting to know his grandson.

So there's that. I've been sad for a week or two now and that has a lot to do with it.

I'm also sad for another reason. Miles turned 2 in May and he's AMAZING in every way. He says please (peese) and thank you (anku) and excuse me (koome). And he names colors and is constantly asking, "Mommy, whatareyoudoing?" He loves, loves, loves swimming! He enjoys swinging, playing basketball, reading books, and building with his blocks. He is totally into Yo Gabba Gabba and Elmo. And Patrick and I want another child just like him! We've been wanting to have another baby for a long time; we've been trying for over a year and it's just not happening.

I'm frustrated and sad that we haven't been able to have another child. I haven't wanted to share this with anyone--I suppose I feel inadequate--and I am super tired of folks asking when we're going to have another one. I don't know how to answer that question anymore. Do I go into the details of my frustration? No, I just keep it all bottled up inside along with the stress I'm feeling from Patrick's new job and all of the life adjustments that must come as a result.

So there it is. See? Getting out it does provide me with relief. I don't need anyone to read this--and I'm sure no one will since it's been forever that I have used this blog. But I have at least temporary relief.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My oh my it has been a while...

I know everyone says this but time really has moved quite quickly! This time last year we were patiently awaiting the arrival of our son--and still had a long ways to go! Today, he's 8 months old!! I can't believe how much he's grown and changed over the last 8 months. He's such an amazing kid--I know, I know, everyone says this about their kids. He's developing into a friendly little guy with lots of personality.

Miles has been babbling for quite some time now. Mostly he just repeats "da da da da" or "nai nai nai" or "ma ma ma ma" and just like his daddy, he loves to talk! He doesn't seem to be afraid of anyone. When he encounters new people--or folks he doesn't remember--he just stares and stares until he decides they get a pass. Then he'll flash a big smile. He never cries when other people want to hold him and only experienced mild separation anxiety at this point. He would get up set when I left him but he seems to be getting over that. He loves people and as long as someone is with him, he's happy. This makes taking him to daycare a bit easier because I know he enjoys playing with the other kids.

And just like his momma, Miles has his own way of getting around in the world. He has been using the military crawl to get around the living room and get to the toys and/or people he wants to play with. He'll get himself up on his hands and knees, rock back and forth a couple times and then fall on his tummy and go back to the military crawl. Apparently he isn't interested in conventional crawling methods. He has also started pulling up. Of course, it was a struggle at first but he's taken to it like a champ! He likes to stand on his own power so that he prefers to stand on the outside of his activity center and play with the toys rather than be put into the harness in the center.

Miles spent his first Christmas in Iowa with his Grandmama Jo and his Aunt Alecia. Grandma and Mommy and Daddy spoiled Miles with a new basketball game, a music cube, a musical activity table, new books and some new clothes. He was initially most entertained by the clothing tag on one of his new shirts but has managed to find joy in his other toys as well. :) He wasn't so into the unwrapping--after one present he didn't seem to care to unwrap things anymore so Mommy had to help.

Miles's first Christmas included lots of other new things as well--one foot of snow and freezing cold weather were just the beginning. He also go to meet new friends Lyla and Caleb--new babies born to childhood friends of Mommy's. We had a great time in Iowa and, although we were ready to come back to sunny Arizona, we always hate leaving family in friends! If we haven't seen you in a while, come visit us!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Miles at 3 Months

It's a little hard to believe that my little angel turned 3 months old on August 28th! He's grown so much both physically and mentally! It is strange to look back on those first pictures of him and see how far we've all come.

He started sleeping through the night about three weeks ago but has recently changed his mind. He is somehow escaping from his swaddle blanket and scooting--on his back--up to the top of his crib and getting lodged in the corner. He is then forced to call out for help. He usually goes back to sleep once he is back in his "home" position but sometimes he wants a bottle. It's no fun going back to getting up in the night but I guess this is one of the positives of me being unemployed--if I'm tired I can either sleep in or take a nap later in the day.

A few weeks before his official 3-month-birthday, he started babbling a ton and making huge leaps in his physical development. As you all know, he's a pretty big baby--I estimate his length to be about 27 inches and his weight to be at least 18, but probably more like 19 pounds. (We will get an official length and weight at his 4 month appointment in a couple weeks.) This is pretty brutal on my back but also allows him to be stronger than the average 3-month-old. He consistently rolls over from his tummy to his back now and every once in awhile accidentally rolls from his back to his tummy. During tummy time he holds his head up for longer and longer periods and will often plow his head into the floor and push himself along for a bit.

In terms of babbling, he seems to be constantly telling me some great story. Of course, I listen intently even though no actual words have yet escaped his mouth. He is smiling a ton, especially when he sees his mommy or his daddy getting closer! Up until this week he was crying every time he saw his great grandma but we had her at the house on Friday and he was cooing and smiling at her like crazy! She had the best day and Miles looooved all the undivided attention. He gets plenty of attention from me during the day but if he ever feels slighted he lets us know but calling out until someone gets a clue.
I can't describe how amazing it is to watch him come into awareness! He has started reaching out for certain toys and grabbing onto things! He is also putting everything he can hold onto into his mouth. I get so excited every time I see him do anything and start cheering him on--this usually causes him to stop what he is doing and look at me with a puzzled look. But that's funny, too!
BTW, the above pics were taken for us by an old childhood friend who happened to move to Phoenix last year. She came over and snapped lots and lots of pics for his 3 month milestone.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Latest Pics

Chillaxin' with daddy...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

2 Months!

As hard as it is to believe, young Miles reached the 2-month milestone on Tuesday! He has changed a lot in the last two months--we are able to do tummy time for a little longer each day and he is able to hold his head higher and steadier a little more each day! He is constantly "talking" back to us--no official words yet, obviously, but that's okay. :) Patrick and I already knew he was growing like a beanstalk since we dress him every day--and he's already in size 6-month clothes--but our trip to the doctor on Tuesday confirmed it. Our growing boy is a whopping 16 pounds and 24.5 inches long!

Knowing that babies are supposed to double their weight by 6 months, I have been doing a bit of research on Miles's new carseat. His current one is great but it maxes out at 22 pounds. Since he has gained a little over 6 pounds in two months, I have a feeling he'll be needing a new car seat before he reaches 6 months so I've had to put my research into high gear! The decision is further complicated by the fact that convertible car seats are crazy expensive and when (sometimes I wonder IF) I find a job and start working again we'll need one for each car. No time to worry about that right now, though, we'll get a second one when (IF) we need it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Miles Trippin'

Patrick and I took Miles on his first big trip last week. We went back to Iowa so Grandma Sheri could introduce Miles to his Aunt Alecia and the rest of the extended family. I meant to take pictures of us as we made our way east but that just did not happen! Instead, I have some of the first pictures of Alecia that have been taken in YEARS!!

We had a busy week at home in Iowa, including attending the annual RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) at the Harris-O'Brien farm. The celebration also doubled as a double birthday party for Caia Harris and cousin Shannon.

We also had a little welcoming party/baby shower for young Miles so many people could meat Miles without us having to travel all over Southwest Iowa to show him off!