It's a little hard to believe that my little angel turned 3 months old on August 28th! He's grown so much both physically and mentally! It is strange to look back on those first pictures of him and see how far we've all come.
He started sleeping through the night about three weeks ago but has recently changed his mind. He is somehow escaping from his swaddle blanket and scooting--on his back--up to the top of his crib and getting lodged in the corner. He is then forced to call out for help. He usually goes back to sleep once he is back in his "home" position but sometimes he wants a bottle. It's no fun going back to getting up in the night but I guess this is one of the positives of me being unemployed--if I'm tired I can either sleep in or take a nap later in the day.

A few weeks before his official 3-month-birthday, he started babbling a ton and making huge leaps in his physical development. As you all know, he's a pretty big baby--I estimate his length to be about 27 inches and his weight to be at least 18, but probably more like 19 pounds. (We will get an official length and weight at his 4 month appointment in a couple weeks.) This is pretty brutal on my back but also allows him to be stronger than the average 3-month-old. He consistently rolls over from his tummy to his back now and every once in awhile accidentally rolls from his back to his tummy. During tummy time he holds his head up for longer and longer periods and will often plow his head into the floor and push himself along for a bit.
In terms of babbling, he seems to be constantly telling me some great story. Of course, I listen intently even though no actual words have yet escaped his mouth. He is smiling a ton, especially when he sees his mommy or his daddy getting closer! Up until this week he was crying every time he saw his great grandma but we had her at the house on Friday and he was cooing and smiling at her like crazy! She had the best day and Miles looooved all the undivided attention. He gets plenty of attention from me during the day but if he ever feels slighted he lets us know but calling out until someone gets a clue.
I can't describe how amazing it is to watch him come into awareness! He has started reaching out for certain toys and grabbing onto things! He is also putting everything he can hold onto into his mouth. I get so excited every time I see him do anything and start cheering him on--this usually causes him to stop what he is doing and look at me with a puzzled look. But that's funny, too!
BTW, the above pics were taken for us by an old childhood friend who happened to move to Phoenix last year. She came over and snapped lots and lots of pics for his 3 month milestone.