Wednesday, February 25, 2009

27 Week Ultrasound

Had another ultrasound today. I guess this one was just to check the kid's size/growth especially since I have the GD. Everything checked out normal except he apparently has a big ol' melon sittin' atop his shoulders. I'm hoping that means he also has a big ol' smart brain in there...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The GD

According to my little week by week pregnancy facts, I should expect to be tested for gestational diabetes (GD) between now and week 28. Well, I went into an OB appointment one morning after having eating pancakes and syrup and the sugar in my urine was off the freaking chart so I got tested early. GO ME!!

Let me just say that the one hour test, though miserable, is at least tolerable. I mean, I drank this crap at home and an hour later they took my blood. The three hour test is a level of hell. Not only did I have to drink the crap again but I had to stay in the doctor's office for three hours, I was not allowed anything to eat or drink--not even water!, and I had to have my blood drawn FOUR freaking times!! By the end, I seriously thought I was going to collapse.

So they diagnosed me about three weeks ago but they were so not on the ball and I just had my diabetic teaching session last Friday. I attended with this other woman, who I happened to know from when I used to have a real job. It was sort of an odd situation to run into someone I hadn't seen in about a year and a half.

I will say that the idea of getting GD scared the poo out of me. But I mentioned it to my acupuncturist right away and he gave me a diet to follow--which I don't. But it helped me quickly figure out that I was getting too many carbs in my diet and not enough protein. I made that slight change before I had the session with the doctor and when we checked my blood sugar I was right on the money! Also, since making that change I have had more energy and generally felt better overall so I don't feel so bad about the GD since it created a positive change. I have had the joy of checked my blood sugar four times a day for four days so far and I have only been over the limit once. I have been under the minimum twice but all three times I knew before I checked it that it would be off. I am enough in tune with the workings of my body to not need a little machine to inform me when I haven't done something right.

So, again, everyone who has heard of this development has expressed concern. That's kind of why I decided to blog it. It sucks having to prick my finger so often, but I am so happy to be feeling more energetic that I look at the whole affair as a positive turn of events. I am having no trouble controlling things with my diet so I don't anticipate having to take pills or insulin injections. In other words, it's all good.