This blog, like many others, is about me and my family. Many will recognize the title from Robert Frost. It's not only my favorite poem, but I tend to make my own path in life--sometimes intentionally, sometimes not, but it works either way.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Due Date Countdown
I thought it would be fun to have a little gadget on the blog that countsdown to the ETA of our little peanut. This was harder than I thought it would be as the gadgets were primarily extremely lame and boring. When I found the 3D gadget that is currently taking up space in the upper left-hand corner seemed like a good idea but seems less so the longer it's up. I mean, it's totally fun to see how Peanut is developing but those 3D images are, frankly, kinda freaky. They make Peanut look like an alien. And I won't even go into the fact that the only images they have are of a white fetus--do they think ethnic folks don't want to put fun due date gadgets in their blogs? I suppose I'll just leave the one I've got until I find the motivation and/or time to search for a better one. I also suppose I am doing some sort of public service by leaving it up cuz then the world--or at least those in it that read the blog--will have an understanding of how babies develop in the womb.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
...And Baby Makes Five
That's right, folks, the Brown family is expanding! Patrick and I have known for about three weeks...although that first week he didn't want to believe me when I kept telling him I was pregnant. We're a mere 9 weeks along in the process but it has already been filled with many "interesting" moments. My body feels as if it has been invaded and is no longer my own. I maintain only enough control to steer my way through the rest of my internship, my job and my final class of graduate school. This is pock-marked by much eating and sleeping. Oh, and a little exercise here and there.
Our little Peanut is due to arrive at the end of May. Our families have been hinting that it was time for a grandchild for the past couple years so, of course, everyone is quite excited about their new roles. My mom has already begun shopping for baby things and is trying to figure out how to spend the most amount of time in Arizona after the baby is born that is humanly possible without actually moving here. Patrick's mom is also quite excited but has made it very clear she will only be referred to as "G". At a later point she will consider being called "Grandmommy" but there will be no "Grandma" as far as she's concerned. Patrick's sisters are already referring to themselves as "Auntie" which is pretty funny!
Patrick and I will use this space to blog about the adventures of becoming first time parents while also trying to finish grad school, keep up with burdgeoning careers, and trying to stay generally sane. Wish us luck!

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